The Base Template

This base template is a reasonable starting point for building websites with A Reasonable Website. It provides a very minimal HTML scaffolding with just a few content sectioning elements to get you started.

Download Base Template v0.0.2

HTML Document Structure

  • main
  •     header
  •     article
  •         section
  •     footer

But, is it reasonable?

1. Accessible

The Base Template meets all of the same accessibility standards required of all the Reasonable Website templates.

Accessibility test results for base.html
Result Test Service Score
Pass Lighthouse Accessibility 100
Pass WebAIM WAVE 0 Alerts

2. Peformant

The Base Template meets all of the same performance standards required of all the Reasonable Website templates.

This base template is 2.3kB (1.0kB gzipped). The single, minified CSS file that styles it is 12kB (3.6kB gzipped).

Performance test results for base.html
Result Test Service Score
Pass Lighthouse Performance 100
Pass Pingdom 98

3. Kinda Nice-Looking

The Base Template meets all of the same design standards required of all the Reasonable Website templates.

Subjectively pretty nice-looking!

Ready for Content

And excited to help push your hypertext out into the world.