2022 in Favorites
I finished Ursula K. Le Guin’s Earthsea series this year. The Other Wind was my favorite book that I read in 2022. It was published in 2001. Earthsea, I think, is my favorite series of fantasy books. It’s bittersweet to finish a beloved story, knowing that it’s over as soon as you turn the last page, understanding that there will be no more.
I also quite liked The Once and Future Witches by Alix E. Harrow. It was published in 2020. Imagining witchcraft sitting alongside other American struggles (suffrage, civil rights, bodily autonomy, etc) made this story feel more practical than one might expect. It was also just very fun to read.
Related: everything I read in 2022.
Expert In A Dying Field by The Beths was my favorite record of 2022. This small, New Zealand band released a collection of huge, guitar-driven, power-pop anthems. Elizabeth Stokes lyrics are full of clever turns and keen observations. The melodies are bright. It’s a fun, joyful breakup album.
Also, surprising no one, I loved Big Time by Angel Olsen, which was probably my second favorite record of the year.
A Short Hike by Adam Robinson-Yu was my favorite game that I played in 2022. It was published in 2019 and is available in all of the normal places, including the wonderful itch.io.
This summer our family took two trips to the Atlantic Ocean. In early August, we spent a few days in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware: a small, seaside town near where I grew up. I loved eating at the large outdoor tables at Dogfish Head. We had really lovely weather, managed to catch a sunrise, and I even briefly used a bodyboard in the ocean without sustaining any injuries.
The real highlight, though, was taking the kids to Funland, which continues to be perfect.
This was my favorite trip of 2022.
Nearly by default, On Collecting Music was my favorite piece of writing of 2022.
Related: everything I wrote in 2022.
A photo of the sun rising over the beach in Rehoboth, Delaware was my favorite photograph of 2022.